Wild Burgundy Snails, Sustainability Statement
Potironne observes, embraces, and encourages sustainable practices through every stage of production. In fact, as the largest supplier of Helix Pomatia Linne products in the U.S., it is in our interest to ensure healthy populations in the future.
Our harvest is conducted annually during the months of April and May, as the Wild Burgundy Snails emerge from hibernation, which follows the snail's late-Summer reproduction cycle [twice annually, late-Spring & late-Summer]. While this has been a common sense practice for centuries to ensure quality, population size and diversity, and to guard against over-harvesting, there are various protections extended to the Wild Burgundy Snail throughout Europe where needed. Examples include: The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (England), The Bundesartenschutzverordnung (Germany), The Nature Protection Act (Denmark), and Ordinance No. 222 (Bulgaria). In most cases, the protections delay the snail hunting season to insure maximum potential for reproduction.
For our part, care is taken to also protect the Helix Pomatia's migratory range - to and from hibernation sites. Further, we observe a strict minimum size to support the mature, breeding-age population.
Through these various efforts and others, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) now classifies the Helix Pomatia Linne as "Least Concern" - the same as humans.
Responsibly harvested, humanely handled, and processed using organic ingredients, the Wild Burgundy Snail is true example of modern sustainability of wild species.
Potironne uses only wild-harvested Helix Pomatia Linne.
Potironne does not use any genetically modified ingredients in any of its products.
Potironne's processing is completely chemical free.
Potironne is proud to be an independently owned and operated company.
Potironne regularly donates product to nonprofit organizations, charitable fundraisers, educational endeavors.
Potironne uses wholly non-reactive (BPA Free) and recyclable packaging.