Potironne Company, U.S. Importer of French Escargot
Welcome to Potironne Company. It is our great pleasure to introduce the Wild Burgundy Snails of la Maison de l'Escargot, exclusively imported from France. Previously available only to the most elite European restaurants, the Helix Pomatia Linne are the most sought-after escargots in the world. The long overdue arrival of this treasure in America is finally at hand.
At Potironne Company, we refer to this top variety as “the Kobe Beef of Snails” and “Land Lobsters” based on their incomparable texture. The snails of Potironne are still harvested by hand in the wild. Delivered live, hand-sorted by size, washed, and prepared using a cooking method perfected in 1894, ensures unmatched quality. Using 100% natural and organic ingredients and according to the strictest hygienic standards (HAACP Certified), the escargots are then conserved for sale.
More than just an appetizer smothered with garlic butter, the Wild Burgundy Snail (Helix Pomatia Linne) offers unparalleled versatility. Even cold from the can, you will find the delightful flavors of nature – grasses and grape vines among others on the snail’s diet. So toss them with pasta, float them in a soup, skewer them for kabobs, sauté them with vegetables, serve them over fresh fish, or stuff them in rabbit. Play!
In light of our company’s ongoing growth, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support, and commend your devotion to serving your clients the finest products. The incomparable quality of our Wild Burgundy Snails continues to draw acclaim from the finest restaurants and most renowned chefs in North America.
Bon appetit!